红网时刻益阳10月29日讯(见习记者 赵佳妮 唐莉 记者 朱闻芩 刘慧婷 通讯员 周旒阳 谭云鹤)10月27日,2023湖南茶业科技创新论坛在资江之滨的美丽茶乡安化县举行,红网时刻记者带你双语沉浸式看论坛。
When science and technology into the tea industry, the tea town Anhua generated new attractions. In 2023 Hunan Tea Industry Science and Technology Innovation Forum, ten well-known experts and scholars from inside and outside Hunan gave special reports on various areas of the tea industry, including tea seedling cultivation, tea production technology to tea product branding and brand marketing and so on. Science and technology is gradually moving to all areas of the tea industry.
In the special report, it was also found that Anhua dark tea has a wide range of medicinal uses, with experts conducting in-depth research on various health aspects such as lipid-lowering and anti-inflammation.
From tea "heart" to tea "core", Anhua use science and technology to strengthen the foundation of tea industry development. The future is in sight!
作者:赵佳妮 唐莉 朱闻芩 刘慧婷 周旒阳 谭云鹤